Improve employee management, protect your business and stay compliant.
If you have employees, you have HR duties. From benefits questions to harassment training, managing staff is never without challenges. Our custom-built HR solution integrates directly with Heartland Payroll and provides a single source solution for all your HR needs.

HR Support Center
Your single source for essential HR assets, with email alerts that keep you current on regulations and court decisions that could affect your business:
Customizable company handbook
Job descriptions
HR policy library
HR form library
HR templates and checklists
Federal and state law library

HR On Demand
This service provides unlimited, one-on-one assistance from SHRM-certified HR professionals.
Guidance on employee issues and HR labor laws
Development and direction on company handbook
Review, update and customize existing HR policies, procedures and forms
Advice and support on hiring, performance reviews and terminations
My Information Center
This is your company intranet -- a customizable and secure landing page with company-specific info. Post up-to-the-minute alerts and resources for your team. Employees can access paystubs, W-2s, company policies and handbooks, and links to provider websites.
Employee/Employer role-based access
Post announcements (open enrollment, emergency alerts, company activities, etc.)
Post new forms, procedures and policy information with acknowledgment requirement